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Ms. Robin Truitt

Welcome to Ms.Truitt and Mrs. Alston's Kindergarten class. Kindergarten is an exciting new adventure for a child. Here they will begin learning reading, writing, and math concepts.

Your child will receive a homework packet and bag with books each Monday.These are due back on Fridays. Your child will also be given a book log. Please record any books your child reads or has read to them on this log. Books do not have to come from school to be recorded on the log. Our goal is for your child to read at least 25 books each nine weeks.

 Please be sure to send in your child's homework folder each day. Notes, forms ,etc. will be sent home in this folder. We ask that you place any notes or forms you need to send in to us in the homework folder to ensure that we receive them. 

  We look forward to working with you and your child this year.  Please feel free to contact us at 252-438-8415 or by email at


  Thank you , 

  Ms. Truitt

Ms. Cotten